Friday 14 March 2014

The Procrastination Post

Ok, I am panicking about my uni work now, so what better way to deal with it than to blog about it? Haha!

Basically, I am meant to be shooting a film all this week, in fact in a perfect world we would be finishing up today. However, that is not the case. Everything is planned, literally everything, we have permission for locations, equipment booked, pre-production finished etc. 'So what's the problem?' I hear you all shout. Well, we don't have a bloody actor.

We need a male lead, we have all the supporting actors, but not a damn lead. SOMEONE PLEASE BE IN OUR FILM. We were meant to film this week but THREE potential actors we could've used couldn't actually be used in the end, ergh. We have advertised for an actor but to no avail, we're not entirely sure what to do now, we're hoping to start filming next Monday... providing we have a male lead, it's not looking good.

On top of that, I have an essay due in 4 days, and I'm not even entirely sure how to do it. Not only that, I have a showreel to create for another module, as well as do some reading for an in class test. I'd like to point out I break up for Easter in 3 weeks, and this all basically needs to be done before that.

So today I am very much trying to get that essay done, so I can focus more on the stress of not having an actor, and focus on the stress of everything else too. Isn't that crazy, getting one piece of stress out of the way so I can focus on other pieces of stress, fun fun fun.

Not much else to say really, wish me luck guys, I'm gonna bloody need it!!

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