Tuesday 18 March 2014

Stress Relief

As my last post stated, the stress levels are quite high at the moment, however I am here to say that some stress has been relieved and I am finally a bit more relaxed!

First things first, we finally have an actor for our film! After pushing back filming for 2 weeks we are filming next week, cutting it a bit fine as we break up for Easter quite soon! But hopefully everything should go OK, fingers crossed anyway! In a way it's worked out quite nicely, the 2 weeks of it being pushed back has given us time to get other work out of the way so we can fully focus on the film when it comes to the shoot.

I had an essay due today which I finished yesterday, and I actually feel relatively good about it! So fingers crossed I get a half decent grade for it, also yesterday I found out I bagged myself a First for a piece of work for the module we are shooting the film for, it's only worth 15% of the module but it's always nice to hear you got a First so that was definitely a bright light over all the stress I've had recently.

It's always a bit scary when a whole bunch of stuff gets on top of you and you don't know how to fix it to help yourself, so these small things turning out good have definitely made me feel better! I just have to get through the film shoot which I know is going to be quite long, but that's always the case with film shoots! They say the general rule is that however long you've planned for filming, you should double it, and then that's how long it'll probably take, film making really is a grueling task! I am very lucky to be in a group with very talented people, especially my friend Michael (find his awesome blog here) who without him, our films wouldn't be nearly as good! He's a very talented friend who definitely has a bright future ahead of him in this industry!

On a different note, but also related to stress relief, is that I have a new favourite song at the moment! It's nothing special but I do love a good dance jam, the song is called 'My Love' by Route 94, music like this just makes me wanna get out and do exciting things and have fun days out, but with my very tight student budget there's not much room for that haha! One day I hope to get back into a bit of vlogging, I'm just not sure people would really care about what I'd have to say or do! What I like about blogging is that you can kinda just spew out whatever you're thinking or feeling and it's kind of like some sort of diary, but people just read it if they want to haha! But there is something I like about vlogging, not to mention I do enjoy a bit of video editing and vlogging gives me the opportunity to do that!

I feel like to succeed in this is to combine those two things I just mentioned, I need to get out more so I'd have something interesting to vlog about! Fingers crossed that happens, I can dream haha!

Anyways more on that another time, I'm now off to listen to a bit of music and enjoy the fact that I haven't got any huge worries at the moment after the stress I've had!

Thanks for reading :)!

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