Wednesday 19 February 2014

The one about the weekend

Good evening!

As you probably saw coming if you read my previous posts, this post is going to be about how I FINALLY MET MY ADORABLE NIECE!! :D
Me and Cooper, my first hold of her!!
I had a nice 3 days at home where I finally met Cooper, I literally cannot believe how tiny she is!! From what I remember, my nephew Jacob was a chunk when he was born, but Cooper is so tiny! I had a nice Saturday with my sister hanging out with little Coops and she is so perfect! Even if all she did was eat and sleep haha! My sister was a bit relieved when I came round so that I could hold Cooper while she showered, I was very worried about being sicked up on haha but she didn't and she was so cute to hold! It was also so adorable seeing my brother-in-law hold her as he is a big 6 foot tall man and Cooper is soo tiny, it was so cute seeing her all snuggled up on his chest! He's so smitten by her and it's the cutest thing!

Look at that adorable little frown!
On Sunday my cousin hosted a family and friends get together so everyone could meet Cooper and she didn't make a fuss for the whole afternoon! Well at least from what I saw she didn't haha! What was also super perfect about Sunday was that I got to see my parents as they flew into England on Saturday (they live in Gibraltar so I don't see them very often!) and I was soo happy to see them for the first time since November for my sister Alex's wedding. So seeing them and meeting Cooper made for a perfect weekend home! By about half 5 on the Sunday it was time to leave but for me that meant saying goodbye to my whole family as I would be heading back to uni in the morning, so of course giving my mum and dad a hug goodbye made me a bit teary eyed and my sister runs over and says 'Don't cry!' as she hugged me so of course that set me off!! Haha! And off home I went!
My boyfriends nan made this awesome personalised bag for little Cooper! It also had a towel and flannel inside with 'Cooper' embroidered onto them! 
It all flew by far too quickly, and the drive back to uni on Monday was absolutely horrendous! We were stuck in terrible traffic due to car accidents and roadworks and the fact it was half term. We left home at 10am and should've made it back to uni by 2pm and we didn't get back until 5pm! It was a horrendous 7 hours drive I have to say! And then all of that evening I felt terrible with a really bad headache, so after a brilliant 3 days at home Monday was a bit of a downer and I really missed my family.

It's so weird knowing I have a niece and nephew and the fact that my parents are grandparents to two grandchildren! My 3 siblings are quite a bit older than me though so it's not weird for them, I was the late arrival haha! Them being born in 1985, 1987 and 1988, I didn't come along until 1994!

The next time I'll see everyone is April for Easter break, but I won't see my parents again until June where I head out to Gibraltar for the summer! I'm really looking forward to seeing them all again but I have a lot of uni work to get through first! Wish me luck!

Anyways I'm now off to watch Waterloo Road! Thanks for reading :D

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