Saturday 8 February 2014

Lack of blogging

Hello there!

So I haven't made a post in almost two weeks, I've wanted to, but the point is I have nothing to blog about!

I started this blog in the hope of just getting things off my mind and to talk about my every day life, but the sad thing is my every day life consists of the same things most of the time! So I think that would get repetitive and boring. I don't wanna force myself to blog, I just wanna put a post up when I feel like talking about something, I'm currently doing this post from my phone as I had the inspiration and wanted to just go with it.

The only things that have happened with me lately is that I recently got another uni grade back and I've now completed two modules with a First overall, so fingers crossed I can keep that up for the rest of my second year!

I'm also going home in a weeks time to finally meet my new niece and to see my family, it's only a quick weekend home though as home is about 5 hours away from my uni!

Now I'm off to make some dinner and hopefully I'll blog again soonish with something interesting!

Bye for now :)

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