Saturday 25 January 2014

So I have a new niece!

Good day to you all!

This morning I woke up to a lovely phone call from my oldest sister telling me I'm an aunty for the second time!!

My sister Stacey wasn't shy about letting everyone know how broody she was after my other sister Alex had a baby boy in 2011. Stacey got married to her other half Anthony in June 2012 after being together for about 4 and a half years, and not long after she was telling everyone how much she wanted a child! So we all knew they were trying, and after what felt like a long time, in July 2013 she announced that she was finally pregnant!

We were all obviously so excited as we knew how much she wanted to have a baby, and the due date was the 24th of January 2014! Well the 24th of January finally came to us, and it's pretty rare for a baby to actually arrive on their due date, but I get a phone call this morning at 10am on the 25th of January and I can hear the baby crying on the phone! She didn't even let anyone know she had gone into labour or anything, just a phone call on a Saturday morning to say well here's the baby! I was so confused but also so happy! And it is soo crazy that she actually went into labour on her due date!

Also, they didn't find out the sex and decided to find out at birth, and well, it's a girl!! They named her Cooper Lilly Tapsell, and now my nephew Jacob has his first little cousin to play with :D I am still baffled that my sister didn't let anyone know that she was in labour or anything, just a hello I have my baby now, haha!

Being at university I won't get to meet Cooper for a few weeks yet as my uni is 5 hours away from home, and I only got back here 3 weeks ago after the Christmas break! But at least it will give them all time to settle in at home before loads of visitors come bombarding round I suppose!

Well, welcome to the world Mini Cooper, I look forward to meeting you :D and congrats to my sister and brother in law :)

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