Sunday 26 January 2014

Are we losing social interaction? Or are we obsessed with it?

Hello all!

This post is meant to be lighthearted, I obviously believe that we all need to step away from our technology and be more social, I just thought I'd take a different view point on it, I hope you enjoy!

Lately I've been thinking about how society thinks we are all too obsessed with being 'connected' all the time, and that we're no longer sociable with people anymore. But actually, isn't it quite the opposite? We are so obsessed with wanting to know the latest updates and constantly being connected to 'social networks', because it's given us the option to be social basically all the time!

I mean, I totally get that actually leaving your phone behind one day and actually having a nice day out with your friends or family without constantly checking the internet is obviously a good thing and is obviously better, but I just recently thought that people complain we're losing social interaction and what not, but I kinda see it as we can't get enough. We're always checking up on the latest updates with our friends and family on things like Facebook and Twitter, and although people complain that people share too many statuses or upload too many photos and they tell them to actually go out and enjoy yourself without staying connected, but the point is, it's not us being unsociable, it's us wanting to constantly share with people all over the internet, we want people to know what we're doing all the time and we want to socialise over the internet.

I can openly admit that I feel completely lost without my phone or if it runs out of battery when I'm out, because well for starters, it tells the time haha, but secondly if there's a pause in the day or if you've gotta wait around for something, you can just pop out your mobile and check everything you could possibly want to update yourself on, I can interact and socialise with family and friends with a few taps on my phone. And although I do agree it's better to just step away from all these updates of people you probably don't even talk to in real life or anything and to actually just put it in your pocket or bag and enjoy the world, it's not that we're being unsociable, I think it's because we want to be too sociable, if that's even possible! We want to know all the latest things, and we want to share everything we do with everyone! Social networks and mobiles and the like have given us the option to share too much!

And also because, my generation, (I'm 19!) we've grown up with all the technological advances, it's almost normal to us, of course we get offended when our parents or grandparents tell us off for being too connected but it's just what we're used to, to us it must almost seem like a good thing rather than a bad thing, we can be connected all the time. Of course we see that as like 'cool' or whatever, I can take this tiny device out of my pocket and connect to anyone in the world! Or share an update or a photo with anyone in the world! We can ring for help if something goes wrong or anything like that! And then they say oh stop being unsociable? We're potentially being more sociable than ever before, just not verbally!

I personally wish I was a more sociable person, I do mean actually sociable and actually go out and meet with my friends and do fun things, but I'm literally the opposite of the person I want to be, I spend all of my time sat inside on my laptop, I always say I'm an indoor person and don't really like going out too much, but on the odd occasion where I do finally make myself go out and actually interact with real people, it either goes two ways, I'm usually really bored and just want to head back and chill in front of the telly with my laptop, or I literally have the most enjoyable time ever and think why don't I do this more often?! And I tell myself I will do this more and I will be more sociable and try and make more friends, but then I get home and the next day I'll be like nah I just wanna stay in tonight to be honest!

So, it looks like I myself needs to step away from the technology and stop wanting to be connected all the time, and maybe enjoy the world through my eyes instead of through a laptop or phone screen!

So are we an 'unsociable' generation? Or have we just moved it into the digital world?

I'd love to know your thoughts! And fingers crossed I myself can one day step away from the technology and go out and enjoy myself!

Thanks for reading!

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