Friday 24 January 2014

First Post

Hello all!

I titled this 'First Post' but I have blogged before, I just deleted all the previous posts! I always liked the idea of blogging but then think what have I got to talk about? Who will care? But my friend has just recently started blogging and I felt inspired to go back and begin again! Whether I will keep this up is another story, I'm betting I probably won't, which is why I was reluctant to blog again, but I figure you don't know unless you try!

So hello all, I'm Amanda, and I hope my blog posts keep you interested, if not then I suppose it will just be my own personal diary maybe?!

Now that I've got this far I have no idea what to say.. I already have a few ideas for other blog posts so I'll save them for another time, but as for now? No idea, hmph.

I'm currently sat on my sofa in my uni house freezing cold as this house seems to have no insulation what-so-ever, I'm bored but I also don't wanna go to bed yet, what a thrilling life I lead!

Hmm, I feel like I will just fill this post with random stuff to make it seem like a worthwhile post, and I kinda wanna get ahead and write my other posts that are in my mind, but I feel like I should save them rather than spew everything out in one go, so I suppose for now I will just say bye, and apologies for this really lame first post that has probably already bored you, if you've read this far then thank you.

Hopefully I see you next time, where I will actually have something interesting to talk about! (I hope!)

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