Thursday 19 June 2014

The one where I vlog instead of blog


So I've moved onto YouTube! I've wanted to get into vlogging for so long, but as one who is so paranoid about negative comments I've always been very put off by vlogging, I don't mean getting bad criticism or feedback because obviously that is needed to move forward and improve yourself, but just general negativity for no particular reason, but then I thought well I'm doing it because I want to and I find it fun so why not!

I've made attempts in the past but only ever made a handful of videos and then just stopped, but as I am now in Gibraltar for the summer I thought lets go for it! And because my friend Michael who also vlogs and blogs has been encouraging me and asking me to start vlogging the moment I got to Gibraltar I liked that I had someone who was so keen for me to get into it so it was a nice boost to get started!

So yeah, here is my introduction video, it's very brief and here's hoping I keep this up!!

My First Vlog

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