Monday 5 May 2014

The Deadline Rush

It's been almost a month since my last post!

I've just been busy really, I have uni deadlines and I spent two weeks home for Easter where I had lots of glorious fun! I spent most of the time hanging out with my oldest sister as she is on maternity leave so I was there to keep her company (and hang her washing out for her haha) and just generally trying to get out of the house more. I saw my other sister too to hang out with my nephew (who finally knows who I am and says my name :D!!!)

I've now been back at uni for 2 weeks, well I say back at uni, I don't actually have any classes, I just came back here to finish off all my work and pack up my stuff for summer. I am hopefully going home on the 17th of May for summer but so far it's still in limbo because my course is arranging a final week of events which might have stuff about dissertation that I'll need to hang around for, but I really hope I can go home on the 17th because if I don't go home that day I'll have to get the train home on my own which obviously is not fun!

These past two weeks have been crazy! I had to help my friend edit a film, then after we submitted that we had a showreel each to create within about 3 days and then we both had a reflective report to write and now I am finally on my final piece of work for second year. So far this final piece of work is proving a nightmare and it's the hardest essay I've had to do so far, in fact I'm not expecting anything higher than 50% if I even hit that! The theory modules really aren't my strong point! It's 2500 words and I did 1000 today, it's due tomorrow at midnight so tomorrow I have to finish it! But once I do it's going to be absolutely fantastic, I've told everyone the first thing I'm going to do when I submit my final piece of work for second year is go for a run! I know that's a crazy way of celebrating haha but I just wanna release some energy! Not to mention I am doing the Race For Life in June for the third year in a row, so any sort training will help haha!

We got lucky with that final piece of work because we got given a week extension, but at the same time I think if we didn't have that extension I would've done the work by now and already be finished!! But from what I can see on my Facebook I am far from the only one who has left it to the day before regardless of our extension haha!

I am so excited to get home for summer as I have some days out planned! So far only two days planned really, I am going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour with my boyfriend, my sister and my brother-in-law. I have been once before as I went with my college as an end of college trip but I always said I would go again if I got the chance and I've been saying since like last August that I would love to take my sister as she has always been a big Harry Potter fan too! So I'm so excited that I get to see three people experience it for the first time! I have to hold in all the secrets haha :)

My second day out planned is that I'm going to see the Lion King Musical in London! It all started like last November or December, me and my boyfriend were trying to decide what to do for our two year anniversary which was in January, because for our one year we didn't do anything special and we always felt like we should have done. So I started mentioning about the Lion King Musical because my friend has seen it before and she said it was absolutely epic, and I just thought it'd be really cool to actually go to the theatre and a London show! It turned out that we couldn't really afford to go for our two year anniversary as we needed quite a bit of money, so we dismissed it, but I had mentioned all of this to my mum and then for Christmas she got me a gift voucher towards the price of the ticket! We still couldn't go for our two years for various reasons, so we said we'd save it for June so we had time to save up money for it and so that it'd be a nice end of second year celebration! So we are very excited to go now :D

I am hoping to go on many days out when I go home for summer, I am trying to be a bit more spontaneous and I just want to generally get out of the house more, I am off to Gibraltar on the 18th of June to spend the rest of my summer there so hopefully I get a nice tan!!

There is more I feel like I want to blog about but I feel like this is already quite long so I apologise! But it feels nice to know I've actually had some stuff to talk about :D

Until next time, which will hopefully be soon!

Thanks for reading :D

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